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Ways to Keep Those Pesky Cats from Entering Your Garden

If you are looking for cat repellents, then good news for you, there are so many ways for you to keep those pesky cats from entering your garden. Discussed below are some easy tips and methods that can be able to help you in getting rid of those felines.


The first thing that comes into your mind when you are asked about what cats really hate is water. Cats are really scared of water. That is the reason why you can find water very useful as an effective cat repellent here. The moment you see a cat on your garden, all you have to do is to grab a hose or a pail of water and teach that cat a lesson. A good thing about water is that you would not have to worry since it will not harm the cats; water is only used to scare them away. If you do not want to just sit and wait for every cat to enter, you can also make life easier by installing a motion activated water sprinkler. The motion activated water sprinkler will do the shooing for you every time a cat passes by.


Cats also hate chicken wire. You can put chicken wire below the soil. This method will definitely make the cats hate walking on top of it. On the other hand, this technique might not be applicable if you already have existing grown plants. But if you are planning on planting a new bed, you should be able to effectively repel cats by putting chicken write on top of the soil or mulch.


You can also use a predator's urine if you want to really scare cats away. Cats dread the smell of a predator's urine. If you want to learn why, visit this website.There are available natural products that you can spray on your garden soil so that it will leave the cats with an impression that there are foxes or coyotes nearby. The moment that the cat smells the urine, the cat will definitely just walk away and go back to where it came from. Also, these natural cat repellents are not harmful to both your plants and to your children, if you have any.


In order for you to keep those pesky cats away from your garden, another thing that you can possibly do is to make a separate patch of catnip. Through this, the cats will hang around in the catnip and not on your flowers.

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